How to get 1,095 MORE positive thoughts this year


I have an amazing story to share with you.

It's about how a mandala changed someone's life.

It was the last half hour of an arts and crafts festival with Mara's Mandalas (2019), and most vendors were antsy to leave. I wanted to give every single person the space to enjoy mandalas if they were interested.

I greeted this beautiful woman as she came over to my booth, who happened to be the last customer of the afternoon.

"How are you?" I asked. "How is your day?"

She replied back, "Actually, It's been a great day. I haven't had the energy to leave my bed for 2 years. This is my first day out of bed. In 2 years."

I gaped at her, my jaw to the floor. I couldn't find words.

She explained that health issues had her bed-ridden, and today she finally had enough energy to emerge into the world. So her husband brought her to the arts and crafts show.

God bless the woman who comes to an art show on her first day out! My mind was racing - why here? Why now? In my mind, this was NOT a coincidence. A part of me could NOT allow her to just think this was a random day.

This was a very special day!

A mandala kept popping into my mind... I felt pushed to the soothing green, beige, and white mandala with the White Lotus in the center...

Sage Green Mandala Healing

The Healing Mandala.

Mandala Intention: Healing, "Allow space and time for healing. Listen to your heart, it is your guide to your healing path. The white lotus brings truth and purity, and neutral greens soothe and heal the soul."

I knew I had to show this woman the mandala, and I also knew that she was meant to have it.

After explaining all about mandalas, she understood the positive energy that radiates each time she looks at the mandala.

"I'll put it in my bedroom," she said. "That way, I can absorb the positive energy every day and remember that I am healing."

Did you just get chills?

Here’s what I’m telling you: This woman CHANGED her thoughts into positive and loving thoughts towards herself.

Energy starts as a Thought. Then becomes a Word. Then becomes an Action. We all know this to be true!

Think positive thoughts --> Say positive words --> Do positive actions.

The words and actions are what other people see, and it makes them positive too! And the cycle continues.

It's simple. Even if this woman only consciously sees the mandala 3x per day, she is getting 21 more positive thoughts a week, and 90 more positive thoughts every month.

Thats 1,095 more positive thoughts a year.

If she transforms those thoughts into actions, and people learn from those positive actions

--> we have a real-life positive ripple effect happening here.

That's the real gift that you received from your mandala. It's not just a painting, it's not just a design with a label. It is a positive energy machine! Your mandala is giving you 1,095 or more positive thoughts per year.

Makes you want to put it in a place you can see it more often right?

Question: HAVE YOU HAD A MANDALA SPARK POSITIVITY IN YOUR LIFE? Let me know YOUR story in the comments!




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