Painting Progression Guided by Spirit

My "messy progression" of this angel painting is a perfect life lesson for you today. ☀️

I’d been hiding away from social media and keeping quiet because of this transformational painting! Here’s a bit about what I’ve learned in this journey.

No matter how unruly (or dare I say ugly) the beginning steps may be, they invite the possibility of awakening to truth and beauty. These small steps of engaging in action, no matter the outcome, are the most important steps to achieving a dream, desire, or goal.

Here’s the painting in process. (full reveal of painting at the end)


What’s something you tried, maybe failed, but kept on trying because it still felt like the right thing to do? Look at where you are now: maybe your children are finally potty trained, or your kitchen renovation is gorgeous and made life so much easier!

These things started as an idea 💡and because you put in the effort, they became something amazing.
Reality ✅: it wasn’t always that way! It started with one small step.

Even if it was a terribly messy, ugly step!

If I never stepped in the direction of painting the boring angel with the dress in this first picture below, I would have never decided to paint the wolves in the 2nd picture.

Here’s the 1st picture:


Sure the colors are nice! But there’s no depth, energy, or emotion.

I changed her position and added wolves, and I kept the river from the 1st painting in the 2nd here:


This piece is more alive, but it’s not quite there.

I had a strong feeling about this gentle angel. The energy in this painting is special. She’s an angel embracing her presence in nature and connectedness to the spirit of animals.

That energy needed to come through in this painting.

The first 2 steps were so bland!!! The energy is not getting that across in the 1st piece with the dark pink dress - the 2nd piece was closer with the 5 wolves, but the composition was stiff and rather boring. NOT the energy I really wanted! Even after hours of work.

✨These small steps led to something though ✨

Without them, this painting would have never evolved into something beautiful as it is in this in-progress angel painting with the sky, moon, earth, water, and animal spirit. 🐺🌿🌊

Watch this video to see the amazing transformation!!!!

Notice the river transformed too but stays in the top corner!

Truth: it's rough for me to show you the progression of a painting when the previous levels looked so unpleasant. But I feel called to show you this progression anyways to inspire you!!!

What do you think about this latest progression? 💖

Also, I love painting hands!! I feel they add a layer of expression into the art. I hope you like where this one is going, still has a long way to go with detail and color.

If you’re interested in this piece, please check here for available angel art.

What small steps looked messy for you but turned into something amazing? Please share your latest reflections on your “small steps” with me!




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