Dragon Spirit Awakening: The Divine Unseen | 16 x 20" Canvas

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Dragon Spirit Awakening | 16 x 20” Standard Wrap Canvas | Oil Paint

This painting came to me in what I believe was a divine vision. This piece is called The Dragon Spirit Awakening: The Divine Unseen.

Here's the story of it's conception and symbolism:

I had just come through a creative setback, getting the business, house, and new pup organized took me away from my art. I felt the craving to come back but didn't know where to start. If you're a creative person you know the feeling.

I was in the middle of exercising where I guess I kind of checked out mentally. I lost myself in a vision where I felt the presence of winged beings swirling high above me in the sky. These spiritual creatures come to me as dragons. It felt as though there were huge eagle-like creatures soaring and swirling in a circle above me, as swift as a bat would circle a streetlight. There were so many of them. I was below in some kind of fog. I looked up to them in my mind and asked, "what do I do?"

I felt the message, to go to my sketchbook, and I would know what to do.

At my sketchbook: Blank page. For a while. I stared at it and absentmindedly wrote down my Chinese Medicine 5 Elements: Fire. Earth. Metal. Water. Wood - The Generating Cycle in TCM Theory. What does this have to do with dragons? Then I kind of magically wrote down Lava, Stone, Glass, Ice, and Ash, respectively next to each of the 5 original elements. 5 Yin elements + 5 Yang elements =10 elements. Wait - 10 Dragons. Those were the 10 dragons. They were flying above me in my vision.

I knew I had to make them come to life, so I started out by drawing a swirl, and among this swirl, the dragons came alive.

You see the flow of the 5 Yin elements are the main dragons:
Fire (red)
Earth (yellow)
Metal (silver)
Water (blue)
Wood (green)

And their Yang pair flying behind them respectively:
Lava (orange)
Stone (grey)
Glass (sheer violet)
Ice (white)
Ash (black)

I found out this was happening in between 2 eclipses (Jan 30 and Feb 15 2018) and the dark moon (new moon before an eclipse). The energy at this time and during eclipses bring the Unseen to the Seen. The Invisible now appears - It's always been there, but what are we not seeing? When we pause in life to take a breath, maybe even ask our guides for assistance, the answers inside us will be brought to the light.

For me, it’s embracing imagination and painting the unseen onto a page. I see myself walking to the edge of a pier, gazing at the beautiful visual world surrounding me. When immersing into nature, one can glimpse the true beauty and mystery of the spirit.

This is my interpretation of this phenomenon in The Divine Unseen. I hope you enjoy the experience as much as I do.

This piece is Standard Wrap and it still looks great on a wall unframed since the paint extends around the sides of the canvas. It has no wall hanging hardware and can easily hang with 1 or 2 nails. Standard wrap canvas can also be framed.

Keep in mind that color appearances on your screen may vary. While best techniques are taken to display true color in the images, your painting may vary slightly from the colors on your screen.

Mara’s Promise: Every space is different, and every space calls to a unique energy. If the energy of your painting does not resonate with your space as expected, no worries. You have 14 days to return your painting, no questions asked. My goal is to provide your space with the perfect energy that suits your spiritual journey. ~ Mara
