11 Ways Intentions Make Your Life Better

Mara DelVecchio Mara Carlini

What are intentions for?

An intention is having an aim, a plan, a goal, or a purpose in mind. It is a determination in a specific way in order to attract a particular outcome.

When you set an intention, you go about something with a specific mindset. Your focus is sharp in order to achieve an outcome. You aren’t scattered or forgetting your purpose in why you are performing an action.

You might set intentions every day and not know it!

Do you plan to eat more whole foods and less sugar so you feel better?
Do you set a bedtime so you wake up with good energy?
Do you set out to play with your kids or pets so they feel loved and cared for?

Yoga golden retriever

Your plan for a specific outcome is your intention.

An intention is more than a plan; it’s a plan coming from your heart to attract a higher vibration into your life.

When you set an intention, you act in high-vibe and positive ways to attract the outcome. You stay focused on your intention, and this raises your energy. When your energy is vibrating at high frequencies, you happily invite your outcome into your life.

Why do mandalas have intentions?

The mandala paintings at Mandala Art Circle are made with an intention, that’s why there’s a quote associated with the artwork. The quote is usually chosen first, and the entire painting is made to resonate with that quote.

That’s why it’s energy-infused art; because the energy of the intention is infused into the art as it’s made.

When you put this art in your office or living room, you’re bringing high-vibe energy into your space.

How can intentions make your life better?

I first ran into intentions in a yoga class where the instructor suggested to make an intention before class.

The yoga instructor said, “set an intention to make the class better in the ways you want to improve, such as staying focused on your breath or staying aware of the present moment.”

Intentions may also be set for saying a prayer to a loved one.

Intentions can be a phrase of inspiration and motivation.

Or a wish to the universe for a dream to come true.

Intention-setting in yoga made me more focused, more disciplined, and more purposeful in my actions.

I felt like more myself than ever before, just because I made intentions for a yoga class!

I always include intention-setting in my yoga classes, and everyone enjoys setting intentions, no matter how small.

Now, I make every mandala and every piece of art with intention. It’s healing for me, and it attracts healing energy to the art.

Mandala artist USA

This art attracts healing energy to you and to your living space.

Learn my special intention-setting techniques in the Online Mandala Courses.

Here’s the 11 ways intentions can make your life better - in ways you maybe didn’t expect!

  1. Setting an intention for road peace, instead of road rage, leads to a calmer drive with family, or alone.

  2. An intention to drink more water and eat frequent, smaller meals may satisfy your hunger and maintain your healthy eating strategy.

  3. An intention to do 5 minutes of yoga every hour leads to increased flexibility and stress relief.

  4. Intentions on a mandala in your living room decor leads to more happy thoughts! When you’re happier, you’ll attract more of the things you want into your life. Want more peace? More positivity? Choose a mandala or coasters with colors and intentions that make you feel good, and you’ll attract more good each time you see it.

  5. Intentions to be kind may lead to more smiles 😃 and creates a ripple effect of positivity.

  6. Making your own mandala painting with intention leads to finding inner peace in the exact way your soul is asking you to.

  7. Intention to play with your kids (or pets) 5 minutes every hour while working from home increases their overall joy, and yours too!

  8. Setting an intention to be patient with a struggling family member allows for healing and acceptance.

  9. The intention to be grateful for your spouse for helping around the house may mend a relationship and strengthen your connection.

  10. Intentions from a mandala at your office or on your desk brings you motivational, peaceful, or calming thoughts and relieve stress through the day.

  11. Intentions from a mandala in your yoga room brings you more clarity, focus, and spiritual connection during your yoga and meditation practice.

Intentions will help you be focused, set and achieve your goals, feel positive, be in the moment, and have reminders for positivity, simplicity, happiness, and health.

How will you use intentions in your life?

Leave a reply in the comments below!

Learn ALL about intentions and mandalas when you subscribe to Mandala Art Circle \

Now that you know how powerful intentions are, you’re probably thinking of adding a mandala to your room decor to spark more positivity!

Visit the mandala gift shop to see what colors and intentions resonate with you.

Enjoy your new, better life - filled with intention!




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