My 3 Favorite Tidying Tricks using Mandalas

Mara Carlini

In college, I remember wanting to straighten up my desk before doing anything. There was no way I’d start studying finals until every unnecessary paper was tossed and stapler in its place.

Sound familiar? If this isn't directly you... possibly a roommate or your spouse?

But for me. It's me. And there’s a problem here:

Nothing is ever tidy for long. I move things from one drawer to another shelf, and so on. It feels more organized, but in reality: it's just more organized clutter.

This year, I learned how to connect the Kon-Mari method with the Mara’s Mandalas method - and it will BLOW your mind!

Tidying Up with Marie Kondo

Finally: the Netflix show Tidying Up with Marie Kondo came into my life. I’d heard about Marie Kondo's book "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up" or people saying "Hold it and ask yourself: does that spark joy?"

Sounded like an easy concept. Spark Joy. Joy just means I LIKE it, right?



my first tidy

My horoscope is Virgo, the queen of organization and detail (I mean, hello - mandalas? haha.) So I was super-drawn to this Kon-Mari stuff. Marie Kondo in the Tidying Up TV show starts with Clothes, then moves to Books, Papers, Komono (Kitchen, Bathroom, Garage, Miscellaneous items), and Sentimental items.

I started with clothing, and she says to take everything out and pile it on the bed. I was like, “UGH that's too much work. I'll just skim through it in my closet.”

I got rid of 2 garbage bags - SO proud.

I did books and papers the same way, not making a mess of anything, just sifting through.

That’s ok, right? WRONG.

Here’s what happened next.

My second tidy.... a mandala is born

I was preparing for a mandala class, and I realized all the stuff was still everywhere. I knew where all my items were, but they felt scattered:

Paper was in the office closet, but paint was in a drawer, and rulers and compasses were in a bin stacked on a shelf. Plus, I found myself still sifting through clothes in my closet, unsure if I should really keep them.

Golden Retriever with Toy

Magnus, my golden retriever, looked at me.

He whined his "I want to play" squeal.

But I was too busy finding my stuff and getting it all together once again. And trying to organize it!

I thought I already fixed this....

I gave in and bought the Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up on Audible, and listened to it on car rides and while doing household tasks.

That's when I realized I did it all wrong the first time.

Kondo explains her Most Important Tips to remember while tidying, and I chose these as my top 3.

3 Favorite Tips

1.Decide your intention - my #1 FAV tip!

Why do you want to tidy your home? What will it do for you? Who do you want to become?

Mandalas are MEANT for setting an intention.

YES. I pulled out my mandala supplies and got to work. I found my intention for tidying with a meditation.

Then, I made a mandala and dedicated it to my personal tidying up wishes.

Here's my intention:

I want to make time to play with my dog, Magnus. To spend time drinking tea on the porch with my husband. To be there for family and enjoy life moments with them. I want to be present and enjoy more moments of meditation and painting, feel passion and zest every day, and know exactly where everything goes. I don't want to spend my time organizing drawers anymore, or wondering if I should keep stuff as I sift through my closet. I want to love every single item I have, and it spark joy each time I see it.

My Tidy-Up Intention Mandala: See, its not perfect. It's just enough to instill the intentions of my tidying project into my life.

Spark Joy Art Mandalas for Tidying

2. I want it done, and I want it done now!

^YES. That's her second tip. What does it mean?

Tidying Up is a ONE-TIME thing. Once the tidying is done, you can focus on your life again.

No more mental ties to the piles and clutter. And you don't have to do it next spring (maybe just some dusting, but no de-cluttering!)

Read the book for more about how and why this is a one-time thing.

the life-changing magic of tidying up

3. ACTUALLY dump it all on the bed!

There's no way around it.

You HAVE to dump it all out. Why? To see exactly how much stuff you have!

The wow-factor makes you enormously less attached to stuff!

Spark Joy is real. AND - it's a yes or no answer, there is no maybe.

The second and REAL time that I did tidying up (after my mandala + intention), I piled everything on the bed.

I discarded 6 MORE garbage bags from the clothing category.


Then I went through every category again. I'm not saying I did it perfectly, I have soo much to learn and improve on in this process, but i hope it inspires you as it inspired me!

Q: Mara, why tell me this story about your tidying? You paint mandalas…

Spark joy tips by an artist

My mandala’s intention is always for a specific goal in my life. Tidying up may have been like just another task, but now:

every time I look at this little 4-inch mandala, it stamps this moment in time where I dedicated my life to no longer holding onto unnecessary clutter. And live in the present moment.

You’ll literally absorb the energy from a mandala when you see it.

The energy will enhance your life because you make specific intentions about what you want your life to be like.

Think about that!

YOU can also use the power of a mandala to inspire your next adventure.

Subscribe to Mara's Mandalas list and you'll receive $10 off your first mandala purchase, or sign up for Mara’s Mandalas and Mindfulness ONLINE COURSE to make your own.

Your mandala may be for:

  • plentiful growth in your garden or weeding your yard

  • protection and peace during a home reconstruction project

  • dedication to a new eating plan

  • moving into a new house or apartment

  • changing jobs

  • a healing/health goal

  • making space for your first child or a grandchild

Make your mandala and TAG ME @maras_mandalas in your Instagram post with YOU + YOUR MANDALA for $10 off!

What intention do you want to set for your life?
Leave a comment below, because I wanna know!

No matter what your project is, a mandala reminder is all you need to embrace your intention.




Spark joy art

A Friendship Mandala: Like a bracelet, but better!


How to Absorb Energy from Art in 3 Easy Steps